Friday, September 9, 2011


剛從網上看到這一篇文章的時候,我很想給兒子看,但是文章不是用英文寫的,兒子很小就來美國了,他是看不懂中文的;我並沒有去網上查,到底有沒有這份 eMail 的英 文翻譯。本來想,乾脆把它錄下來,到時候給兒子聽算了,但是又不能保證他一定會聽,還是咬著牙把它翻譯完成了。如果這一份翻譯涉及“著作權”,請通知我,我會把它撤除,謝謝。


One of the famous radio hosts
in Hong Kong, Mr. Liang Ji Zhang, wrote a letter to his son. In a short while, it became very popular through the net. Lots of parents (fathers) thought that it is so meaningful. However, I would think this letter is not only for the new generation; it is also suitable for all generations.


To love or not to love, we won’t see each other in our next life – A Memo to My Son

Son, based on the following three principles, I wrote this Memo to you,

 Life changes so fast, nobody knows how long he or she is going to live. I’d better say it a little bit earlier.

I am your father. If I don’t tell you, nobody is going to tell you anyway.

Whatever I wrote in this Memo was based on the sad experience from my failures during the past. It would save you some time for your growth.

Followings are some hints that you need to remember in your own life.

(一)對你不好的人,你不要太介懷,在你一生中,沒有人有 義務要對你好,除了我和你媽媽。
Don’t worry about the people who treat you badly. Because, they are not obligated to treat you nice, except me and your Mom.
至於那些對你好的人,你除了要珍惜、感恩外,也請多防備一 點,因為,每個人做每件事,總有一個原因,他對你好,未必真的是因為喜歡你,請你必須搞清楚,而不必太快將對方看作真朋友。
When people treat you nice, not only you need to feel gratitude, but also you still need to watch out. Because, when things get done, there are reasons behind the scene. People who treat you nice does not mean they like you. Please make sure what’s going on before you treat them as “true” friends.

Nobody is irreplaceable and nothing is truly necessary.
看透了這一點,將來你身邊的人不再要你,或許失去了世間上 最愛的一切時,也應該明白,這並不是什麼大不了的事。When you know this by fact, once nobody want you or you have lost all your beloved, you would know that it is not really a big deal.

(三)生命是短暫的,今日你還在浪費著生命,明日會發覺生 命已遠離你了。
Life is short, if you’re wasting your life, you would found that life is fading away from you.
因此,愈早珍惜生命,你享受生命的日子也愈多,與其盼望長 壽,倒不如早點享受。
So, the earlier that you would treasure your life, the earlier you would enjoy it. Instead of hoping we could live longer, it would be better to enjoy the life earlier.

(四)世界上並沒有最愛這回事,愛情只是一種霎時的感覺, 而這感覺絕對會隨時日、心境而改變。
There is not such a thing that “Love Most” exist. Love is a passion. It would change with time as well as your own mood.
如果你的所謂最愛離開你,請耐心地等候一下,讓時日慢慢沖 洗,讓心靈慢慢沉澱,你的苦就會慢慢淡化。不要過分憧憬愛情的美,不要過分誇大失戀的悲。
If your beloved has left you, please be patient, Let time sip in and settle your heart. Your sorrow would gradually fade away. Don’t over-weight the beauty of love. And don’t emphasize the bitterness of been dumped.

(五)雖然很多有成就的人士都沒有受過很多教育,但並不等 於不用功讀書,就一定可以成功。
Although there are some people who have great achievement do not have lots of education, it does not mean that if you don’t go to school and you can still be successful.
你學到的知識,就是你擁有的武器,人,可以白手興家,但不 可以手無寸鐵,謹記!
The knowledge that you’ve learned is your weapon. You can start your own business barehanded. However, you cannot have no weapon. Keep it in mind!

(六)我不會要求你供養我下半輩子,同樣地我也不會供養你 的下半輩子,當你長大到可以獨立的時候,我的責任已經完結。
I will not ask you to support me for the rest of my life. So, I will not support you for the rest of your life. Whenever you can support yourself, I’ve done my part.
以後,你要坐巴士還是Benz(賓士),吃魚翅還是粉絲, 都要自己負責。
Whether you decide to take a bus or drive a Benz (Mercedes Benz), taking shark fins or just clear noodles, it is your own choice (responsibility).

(七)你可以要求自己守信,但不能要求別人守信,你可以要 求自己對人好,但不能期待人家對你好。
You can be honest with you, but you cannot ask somebody else to be honest. You can treat others nicer; however, you can’t ask others to treat you nicer.
你怎樣對人,並不代表人家就會怎樣對你,如果看不透這一 點,你只會徒添不必要的煩惱。
How you treat others does not mean others would treat you as what you’ve done to them. If you cannot understand this, it would create unnecessary troubles.

I’ve bought lottery for the past ten or twenty years. I’m still poor. I didn’t even win the third prize. It proves that you have to work hard to be successful. There is no free lunch in the world.

(九)親人只有一次的緣分,無論這輩子我和你會相處多久, 也請好好珍惜共聚的時光,下輩子,無論愛與不愛,都不會再見。
There is only one chance for us to become family members. No matter how long that we’re going to stay with each other, to love or not to love, we won’t see each other in our next life. Please treasure the moment that we are together. 

 Life is short, please treasure the moment that we are together.

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